Bronze Membership
Get one-time expert advice on a specific question or problem & explore growth opportunities.
When you become a Graphic Elephants Member at the Bronze Level today, you receive one hour of office consultation with the Graphic Elephants team.
As a Bronze Member, you will also receive an official bronze membership plaque, which you can display proudly in your shop or office.
The Bronze Membership provides room to grow. If you are interested in Graphic Elephants consulting, but still need time to explore your options, your Gold Membership helps you start working toward your larger goals. Bronze Membership fees may be applied toward a Silver or Gold Membership at any time during the membership period (one year from date of purchase).
Bronze Membership benefits and hours may be used any time, up to one year after date-of-purchase. After the one-year membership period, all membership benefits and unused office hours will no longer be vaild. Bronze Membership benefits are non-transferrable.